
Car Wash Europe 2017

EA ExhibitionsCar Wash Europe 2017

Car Wash Show Europe 2017

@ RAI Amsterdam
September 25-27, 2017


Bringing together the leading operators and suppliers for product displays, education and networking.

The place to meet other car wash professionals and improve your business network!

Walk-in carwash

When you think of a Car Wash you immediately think about brushes, water and soap. Unfortunately, the exhibitors were not allowed to install fully functional Car Wash installations, due to legionella regulations. Therefore we tried to give the exhibition a Car Wash twist in another way. The exhibitors took care of all the brushes all over their booths and we created an entrance as if you would actually walk through a Car Wash. Once inside the aisle carpet was grey with white stripes like being on an actual high way.

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MCI nl
carwash show europe 2017

4.643 m2 carpet

23 standard exhibition booths

Show services for 66 booths

1 innovation square

28 m2 of window branding

0 cases of legionella disease